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Start Events: Microsoft OneDrive for Business

  • February 15, 2022
  • 0 replies

Nintex Employee


This article will explain how to use the Microsoft OneDrive for Business related start events in Nintex Workflow Cloud. 





In order for you to utilize Microsoft OneDrive for Business start events you will need to create a connection to your Microsoft OneDrive for Business instance by using the Microsoft OneDrive for Business connector. Let's check out how that works.


  1.  In the Automate area of Nintex Workflow Cloud, select Connections from the left side menu.

  2. Click on the Add new button, then search for the Microsoft OneDrive for Business connector from the Connector drop-down list. Click Connect.

  3. In the Add connection window, provide a meaningful name for your Microsoft OneDrive for Business connection, add in your Microsoft OneDrive for Business tenant URL, then click Connect. You will need to grant Nintex Workflow Cloud the proper authorization into your Microsoft OneDrive for Business instance. You can also allow other users or groups in your Nintex Workflow Cloud environment to use your connection, if required. Click Done to save your new connection.



Configure Start Event


With your new workflow design open, you can add a Microsoft OneDrive for Business start event to your process. This can start the workflow when a file or folder is added to your OneDrive instance. In the following example, we will wire up a start event that will start a new instance when a new file is added to a Microsoft OneDrive for Business folder.


  1. Ensure that you have a location setup in your Microsoft OneDrive for Business environment where Nintex Workflow Cloud can hook in to watch for new files. In this example, there is a folder called "Log File Dump" that will receive new files.



  2. Next, create a new workflow in the Automate -> Workflows area for Nintex Workflow Cloud. Select Microsoft OneDrive for Business from the Start from list. In this example, we then select the Microsoft OneDrive for Business - New file event. 


  3. Next, in the Configuration section, use the Connection that was created earlier to point this start event to that Microsoft OneDrive for Business environment.

  4. Enter the Path that you want to have Nintex Workflow Cloud watch. In this example, the workflow will hook into the "/Log File Dump" folder. Note: This value is case-insensitive. Also, do not add a trailing slash "/" as in "/Log File Dump/".


  5. Add other actions to your workflow based on your requirements. For example, you can use Send an email action to notify someone that a file has been added to the location. The Start event object variable will contain variables related to the file or folder that was created and started the workflow.

  6. When configuring other OneDrive based actions like Copy a file, you can access the Microsoft OneDrive for Business Start event object variable to get information related to the newly created file.


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