I created a Nintex Data source using the SharePoint Online connection and 'Query a list’ operation.
The SharePoint list contains three text columns and one calculated column in which the output is also text. The formula is just = CONCATENATE([Col1][Col2][Col3]). Only alpha characters are being concatenated, no commas or other special characters. I have a single item right now in my list.
If I add this calculated column in the Columns section of the NAC Data source, and then attempt to use the column on a NAC Form with the Data lookup or Choice - Single (dropdown view) controls I get a data load error.
If I remove the calculated column from the Columns section of the NAC Data source, I am able to load data in the NAC form controls.
Is what I am trying to do possible in a NAC Form? If not, can I use formulas in the NAC Form to present a drop down list of the three columns as a single concatenated list item?