How to purge the workflow progress table.
To purge the dbo.WorkflowProgress table in the Nintex Content database use the steps below:
***Make sure to purge Workflow History lists BEFORE Workflow Progress***
Full usage:
NWAdmin.exe -o PurgeWorkflowData [-workflowName workflowName] [-state [All|Running|Completed|Cancelled|Error]] [-url teamsiteUrl [-listName listName]] [-siteCollectionUrl siteCollectionUrl] [-deletedLists] [-lastActivityBeforeUTC lastActivityBeforeDateUTC (" + DateFormat + ") | -lastActivityBeforeLocal lastActivityBeforeDateLocal (" + DateFormat + ")] [- listId listId] [-itemId itemId] [-instanceId workflowInstanceId] [-initiator loginname] [-timeout seconds] [-silent] [-purgeAll | -deletedSites]
After this command has run, Nintex Workflow will no longer have any record that the affected workflows were executed. The affected workflow instances will:
***Make sure to purge Workflow History lists BEFORE Workflow Progress***
- It is recommended that a database backup be taken before performing the workflow data purge, as once it has been completed, there is not a way to restore the workflow data.
- On the server hosting Central Administration open a SharePoint Management Shell as administrator
- Run: 'NWAdmin.exe -o PurgeWorkflowData' with associated filtering switches (full usage at bottom)
- Example: NWAdmin.exe -o PurgeWorkflowData -state Cancelled -siteCollectionUrl http://contoso/sites/home -lastActivityBeforeLocal 1/1/2016 -timeout 600
- The above will purge workflow data from all cancelled workflows on the 'Home' site collection prior to Jan 1st 2016
- Once the command has completed, you will see that the record count on the Workflow Progress table will have dropped.
Full usage:
NWAdmin.exe -o PurgeWorkflowData [-workflowName workflowName] [-state [All|Running|Completed|Cancelled|Error]] [-url teamsiteUrl [-listName listName]] [-siteCollectionUrl siteCollectionUrl] [-deletedLists] [-lastActivityBeforeUTC lastActivityBeforeDateUTC (" + DateFormat + ") | -lastActivityBeforeLocal lastActivityBeforeDateLocal (" + DateFormat + ")] [- listId listId] [-itemId itemId] [-instanceId workflowInstanceId] [-initiator loginname] [-timeout seconds] [-silent] [-purgeAll | -deletedSites]
After this command has run, Nintex Workflow will no longer have any record that the affected workflows were executed. The affected workflow instances will:
- No longer be listed as having run on the ‘view workflow history’ page.
- No longer be able to have their graphical status of detailed history viewed.
- No longer affect statistics or reports.
- No longer appear in web parts.
- No longer have viewable tasks (the task item will exist, but clicking on it will receive and error about not being able to find the ID in the database).
- No longer be able to have history list items associated with them purged using the ‘PurgeHistoryListData’ command unless the–clearall switch is used.
Additional Information
NWAdmin 2013 Operations Guide: