First off thanks to everyone who posts on this site. I have been able to figure out a great of tricks based on your posts!
One problem I am having is the timing of rules. For instance, I have a form where one of the first fields is "Type" - based on the selection made in this Choice dropdown field, other fields become visible. There are several posts on this site on how to make this happen, so I had no issues getting it to work.
I then wanted to do the same thing with a checkbox. The rule does not seem to respect the selection made in the checkbox (I've tried setting it up as a Yes/No, Choice with checkbox option, even the built in yes/no in Forms)... it does work, however, AFTER I save the record and reopen it (it seems the act of saving and then reopening triggers the rule and the field(s) become visible).
I've now also run into a similar issue with lookup data (I look up a contract name from a second list, and also want to pull the expiry date from that same list based on the contract selected). I found how to set up the control on this site, and if I hit save, when I reopen the record its there - but it does not appear "live", the way the fields respond when I have conditionally visibility based on a drop down.
Why do some controls/rules seem to execute immediately, and other require a save? Is there a way to force it to happen right away?
I am on a current version of sharepoint online and Use Nintex Forms for Office 365 v.