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Input Validation Pattern To Match Symbols

  • February 8, 2022
  • 2 replies
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I've never understood why Nintex Forms use the reverse of the logical JavaScript pattern to match strings for input validation, but I've usually been able to figure out how to match what I want.  This time, I'm stuck.


I've got a New Responsive Designer form in O365.  I want to invalidate any input of a non-word character in a text field.  With this pattern...




It matches if I only input symbols.



As soon as I add a letter or number, the match fails.



Anyone know the pattern to make this work?

Best answer by andyCOT

Since I consider this feature broken, I submitted a ticket to Nintex.


The correct pattern to match a symbol or symbols, anywhere in the string in a text box, is:



For the record, I tried it in two RegExp testing sites, one for .NET and another for JavaScript, and it works in neither.  This pattern should match only word characters or spaces at the beginning of the string.




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  • Rookie
  • February 10, 2022

Since I consider this feature broken, I submitted a ticket to Nintex.


The correct pattern to match a symbol or symbols, anywhere in the string in a text box, is:



For the record, I tried it in two RegExp testing sites, one for .NET and another for JavaScript, and it works in neither.  This pattern should match only word characters or spaces at the beginning of the string.





  • Rookie
  • February 10, 2022

From Nintex Support:  "The input validation needs to have a regular expression that tells the control what is valid."




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