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Support for Office365 Mailboxes for K2 Approvals?

  • April 4, 2019
  • 10 replies
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We currently have a hybrid Exchange setup and are currently testing Office365 Mailboxes.


We have a group of Authorisers, one of which we moved their mailbox to Office365. Then i sent a form request to these authorisers, but when the Office265 Authorisers approved the request (via offline approval i.e. reply with approved to email for example), nothing gets actioned. If another Authoriser (with a regular exchange account) approved it, the request got actioned.


Any ideas or guidance on how we can get O365 mailboxes to work as well with K2 offline approvals?




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10 replies

  • Scout
  • 726 replies
  • April 4, 2019
Sounds like this should just work, maybe the mails are flagged as span and not processed?


  • Author
  • Scout
  • 644 replies
  • April 4, 2019

Hi Vernon,


The 0365 Mailbox Authoriser does get the actual Request to action, it's the reply (smartaction) from this Authoriser that is not registering.


Why does the system send out emails ok to 0365 mailbox users, but smartactions doesn't like the 0365 mailbox responds from these users?


I will get the user to try again and see if any messages appear in the logs.


  • Scout
  • 726 replies
  • April 4, 2019
SmartActions work by means of a listener on the SmartActions Mailbox. Thus user receives a mail that there is a task, this mail has the SN of the item and the user replies to the SmartActions Account with a Action. this mail then is send to the inbox of the SmartActions account and the K2 listener processes it.

In your case you need to verify if the Mail from the O365 user is marked as spam as in my previous reply. If not does the reply make it to the Smartactions Accounts inbox? If so does it get processed? After K2 processes it it will be removed from the inbox of the Smartactions account. If all this checkes out, you have to look at the K2 Server Logs to see if there was errors recorded, you can also check in the Eventbus.ClientRecorderError table for clues.


  • Author
  • Scout
  • 644 replies
  • April 18, 2019

Hi Vern,


Not working, here are the steps i did on a K2 5.2 dev box:


1) I've got a test account, mailbox been moved to o365 and i've added the test account as an Approver.


2) When a request is sent, the test account gets the Approval request. Because it is an offline approval, the test user replies to the request via email with "Approved". The result is the workflow goes no further as if no response has come from the test user. If an Approver with a regular Exchange account approves the request, its works fine and continues down the workflow.


3) Next, i followed the article mentioned: and added the entries in the K2HostServer.exe.config (the top line: <system self="K2:DomainServiceAccount" enableListeners="true" allowAmbiguity="true"> was already in the config file, saved the config file.


4) Restarted the K2 Server service, but the K2 Server service won't restart. The error 1052 is attached:


What now?


  • Scout
  • 726 replies
  • April 18, 2019
If the HostServer doesn't start after adding the SPAM config something imo is wrong in the HostServer.exe.config. Apart from that The Exchange online mailbox / user used, is this an actual user in your domain just with an Exchange online mailbox?

Please little r me a copy of your HostServer.exe.config file


  • Author
  • Scout
  • 644 replies
  • April 24, 2019
Hi Vernon,

Yes the user is part of the domain like other users, just that the mailbox happens to be an o365 exchange online account.

Do we need to install Exchange for K2 features on the K2 Server for this to work? (found in K2 Management ) - I've asked K2 to clarify this.


  • Author
  • Scout
  • 644 replies
  • May 10, 2019



Just bumping this up, can anyone help with this?


Is there a guide for setting up Exchange Online Mailboxes for approvals with K2?


We've tried configuring the Exchange Online Feature in K2 Management and using Oauth. When all the credentials are enters, it add the Instance without any errors, but when testing the form and replying to an offline approval with Approved, the response is still not picked up by the K2 Server.


Please advise.



  • 33 replies
  • May 10, 2019

Can you enable HostServer full logging, reproduce the issue and see if there is similar warning as below?

“Warning","MessageBus","61011","SpamMessageIgnored","ExchangeWebServicesOrigin","61011 Message xxxxxx= ignored due to spam restrictions.","anonymous","","xxxxx:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","45327202","51d9534b817a4079ac67b478cd3c4ec1",""”


  • Author
  • Scout
  • 644 replies
  • May 13, 2019

Hi Nik,


I enabled full hostserver logging as you suggested, then sent another request through, the most recent entry in the hostserver log does indeed say this:


"20*personal details removed*:44:58","Warning","MessageBus","61011","SpamMessageIgnored","ExchangeWebServicesOrigin","61011 Message AAMkADEwYTkwNjUyLWMzMmUtNDdkZS04MTE2LTE1YjIwZWEzMDRjZABGAAAAAAD7BjaTVJk6RI2yEOzxfFWSBwDHesWtYhWNR7DHdXQ6IxcZAAAA5pPJAABKofQGFozkT5Ow78DVbl1vAAILHY2NAAA= ignored due to spam restrictions.","anonymous","","MYSERVERNAME:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","8541516","ae72bb69b2444a7c8b1ea6621fdc84e4",""


What does this suggest then?


  • Author
  • Scout
  • 644 replies
  • May 14, 2019

Hi all,


I found the solution to this, the Kb article is wrong:

There should be an extra line </security> in the above script.


After adding this, exchange online/premis both worked.


What a chew on.... K2 will hopefully update the article.

It's a shame K2 didn't produce a guide on configuring Exchange on premis/online and we are left to figure it out ourselves.

Anyway, hope this helps someone else out and saves you the legwork.



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