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K2 4.6.6 (4.12060.1560.0) High Priority Fixes

  • February 16, 2021
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Nintex Employee
  • Nintex Employee
  • 13 replies

K2 4.6.6 (4.12060.1560.0) High Priority Fixes


K2 blackpearl 4.6.6
K2 blackpearl 4.6.6
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KB001559 is a list of high priority issues for K2 blackpearl 4.6.6 that have been resolved.



Issues Resolved:

K2 Server

  • When a Parent IPC process calls a child IPC process containing a description, an error occurs stating: "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Contractor.Matters' to data type int." when attempting to delete the process.
  • When two users have similar names and one of these users username contains an underscore, the user with the underscore in his username is unable to action a worklist item in K2 Workspace.  An error occurs stating: "unable to open worklist item".
  • When a user’s credentials have expired and the user is re-cached, SharePoint Group Membership is incorrectly removed for the user.
  • Role memberships using a SQL SmartObject with an input/filter causes UMUser > Get Role Users SmartObject execution to fail.  If this role is Dynamic, all of the OOTB reports will fail.
  • Web exceptions may occur when executing K2 WCF Services or when using any K2 Connection on a Claims Based Multiple Domain environment.
  • The auto refresh thread on the Identity Service incorrectly resolved all users, groups and roles that expired instead of only those that was already resolved.  This caused slow performance in K2 Workspace for example.
  • When multiple requests are sent to the Identity Service to update Identities, an error occurs stating: “Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Identity_IdentityUpdate'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Identity.IdentityUpdate”.  The error can be found in the K2 Server log file.

K2 Designers and Wizards

  • When running the SharePoint User Management Event in Advanced Mode to Create a SharePoint Group, the "Who can edit the membership of the group" option on the Site Group Settings page of the wizard incorrectly defaults to "Group Owner" when editing the wizard.
  • Unable to drag an e-mail property from the Context Browser to the "Send Membership requests to following email address" property on the Site Group Settings page of the SharePoint User Management Event.  This occurs when running the event in Advanced Mode to Create a SharePoint Group.
  • When a K2 Designer for Visual Studio process contains a Forms Generation Client event and Out of Office is configured for one of the destination users, the forwarded user is unable to action the worklist item.
  • An error occurs stating that the XAML UI designer has stopped working when editing existing Visual Studio projects after installing K2 for Visual Studio 2012.
  • When enabling Workflow Approval on a K2 Designer for SharePoint process, the user deploying the process incorrectly needs K2 Administrator rights to deploy.
  • When designing a process in either K2 Designer for Visual Studio or K2 Studio and expanding the SharePoint User node from Context Browser > Users, an error occurs stating: "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" if the relevant SharePoint Site is down.
  • When using the SharePoint User Management event to create a new SharePoint group, the “Send Membership requests to following email address” value set in the wizard does not save correctly in the created Groups settings.
  • When using the SharePoint User Management event to create a new SharePoint group and “allow requests to join/leave the group” is set to Yes, the setting is not saved correctly in the created Groups settings.
  • When using the SharePoint User Management event to create a new SharePoint group and “allow Members to edit the membership of the group" is selected, the setting is not saved correctly in the created Groups settings.
  • Unable to edit the SharePoint User Management Event Properties in the K2 Designers after upgrading to a new K2 version.
  • Unable to install K2 Studio Client on an environment using roaming profiles.  Various errors occur.

SharePoint Integration and InfoPath Integration

  • When making use of Runtime Participants as destination users in a K2 Designer for SharePoint process in SharePoint 2013, the users are not resolved and an error occurs stating: "An Activity with a client event should at least have one destination."
  • Unable to open an InfoPath K2 Task after running Windows Updates including two InfoPath 2012 Security Updates.  These updates are "Security Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2012 (KB2760406) 32-Bit Edition" and "Security Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2012 (KB2687422) 32-Bit Edition".
  • When updating a field to a blank value on the SharePoint Workflow Integration Start Page, the field does not update on the SharePoint List item/document.
  • An error occurs on the SharePoint Workflow Integration Start Page when the page contains a Taxonomy (Managed metadata) field along with any other field, and the Taxonomy field is not the first field listed on the page.  The error states: "The property 'parentElement' with null reference or without definition."
  • Unable to save and deploy a SharePoint Workflow Integrated process using ASP.Net form technology, ASP.NET and Network Share as the form location. This occurs if the folder contains a full stop when configuring the SharePoint Client Event and defining the page on the Network Settings page of the wizard.
  • When converting a SQL Data Source to UDCX, a K2 InfoPath Integrated process is unable to open the form in a Web Browser, instead it will open with InfoPath.
  • An exception occurs stating: "Server was unable to process request, column “modified by” does not exist or was deleted by another user”, when attempting to update a SharePoint List Item with a K2 process.  This will occur when the SharePoint Site Collection was created in a different language pack and the “Preserve metadata that is not updated” checkbox was checked.
  • Slow performance is experienced when an InfoPath Form integrated in a K2 process loads and the form contains a large number of SmartObject data connections.
  • SharePoint columns were not updated when a user entered values in the User Form of a K2 Designer for SharePoint process, where the User Task contained SharePoint columns.
  • When deleting a SharePoint List that still has running K2 for SharePoint Integration process instances, the task item status does not update.
  • When a SharePoint Workflow Integrated process contains an escalation that expires the process instance, the instance status will reflect as completed in K2 Workspace but the SharePoint Workflow status remains 'In Progress'.
  • After upgrading to a new K2 version, SharePoint Workflow Integration process instances that were started before the upgrade may stay in an "In Progress" state if tasks for these instances were not completed prior to the upgrade.

K2 Workspace and K2 Process Portals  

  • An error occurs stating: “Error Marshalling SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.WorkflowManagementHostServer.GetWorklistItems, String or binary data would be truncated” when attempting to open a worklist item through Management Worklist and the K2 process contains an Activity Name with more than 100 characters.
  • The From Address field in Custom Notifications in K2 Workspace is not editable.
  • When selecting to delegate a worklist item from K2 Workspace > Management > Management Console > Server > Workflow Server > Worklist and the worklist item is assigned to a user containing an apostrophe in their name, the user cannot be found and the delegate pop up box is blank.
  • When a user contains an apostrophe in their name, a worklist item assigned to that user is not clickable from Managed Worklist.
  • Unable to add users containing a special character in the user name to either K2 Workspace > Management > Management Console > Server > Server Rights or SharePoint K2 Management Console > Server > Server Rights.


  • An error occurs indicating: "a duplicate key was found for the object name 'Server.ProcInst'" when upgrading to K2 blackpearl 4.6.5.  The database upgrade will fail to complete and the error will reflect in the log file available after upgrading.
  • An enhancement was made in the K2 installer when upgrading to a new version of K2.  The Installer will check the database state, if the state of the database is in a changing state, the installer will not continue until the state has been changed.  This is to prevent SQL scripts from failing during the upgrade.
  • When upgrading to K2 4.6.5 and the [Workspace].[TestTable] does not exist in the database, the upgrade will fail with an error stating: "Cannot find the object 'Workspace.TestTable' because it does not exist or you do not have permissions."
  • An error occurs stating: "An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. Index cannot be created on object 'dbo.K2Users' because the object is not a user table or view. Checking indexes Creating index [IX_K2Users_UserName]", after upgrading to a new version of K2.

K2 SmartObjects and Services

  • After upgrading to K2 4.6.5 the Workflow Reporting SmartObject fails with an error stating "An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)".
  • When editing a SmartObject property type from text to memo, the change is not stored in the database with the new property type.
  • After upgrading to K2 blackpearl 4.6.5, refreshing or creating a Service Instance does not occur in a timely manner.
  • When using an Advanced Composite SmartObject to execute a method that makes use of multiple service objects, where the value is supplied through the mappings in the method, an error occurs stating that a required property was not supplied.
  • After upgrading to K2 4.6.5 and a SmartObject was created in an earlier version of K2 and is based on two SQL Service Objects that are joined, an error occurs stating: "Property not found", when using an input property to join the SQL Service Objects if one of the Service Objects is a Stored Procedure.
  • An error occurs indicating a parameter count mismatch when executing a SmartObject based on the "Users and Groups" WebService.
  • An error occurs stating that a required property was not supplied when executing a SmartObject.  This occurs when executing a composite SmartObject method where two Service Object methods are called and the second had a required input parameter mapped to a return property of the first Service Object.
  • When registering a new Web Service Instance and drilling down to the “String” system type and attempt to serialize any input value where the value starts with “0”, the value will change from binary to decimal.
  • When describing the SQL Server Service, stored procedures are executed to establish the return properties.  If this execution fails, the stored procedure is not added as a Service Object.
  • Slow Performance was experienced when executing a GetList method for CRM SmartObjects.

K2 SmartWizards

  • An "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" error occurs when attempting to create a reference using SmartWizards from K2 Designer for SharePoint.
  • A validation error incorrectly occurs on a non-required text box in a SmartWizard in K2 Designer for SharePoint after the text box was left blank.
  • When re-running SmartWizards where a list box or any control exists on the second page, all of the controls get replaced with labels.
  • List box controls are incorrectly displayed as non-required controls in SmartWizards.  The List box control will now be required and validation will be performed.
  • Using a custom K2 SmartWizard in a K2 Designer for Visual Studio process results in an error stating: "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object", when leaving a combo box empty and clicking Next.
  • Unable to drop any field part on a custom SmartWizard in K2 Designer for Visual Studio.


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