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Known Issue: Moving or Restoring a K2 database to a new SQL Server instance results in a SCSSOKey error


K2 blackpearl
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When you move or restore your K2 database on a new SQL server instance, you may receive the following error in your HostServer logs or in Console Mode:


Error 2001 Error Starting Host Server: Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation. The key 'SCSSOKey' is not open. Please open the key before using it.;Error Invoking 'StartHostServer' : .Net SqlClient Data provider : Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation.The key 'SCSSOKey' is not open. Please open the key before using it.






The SCSSOKey was not rebuilt on the new SQL server instance after the K2 database move or restore.


To resolve this issue, contact K2 support.


thanks for quick response.
