AssureSign: ListNotifications

  • 11 January 2022
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The ListNotifications operation returns a list of all notifications configured for a given document or envelope. Notifications include email notifications, web notifications and document transmissions. For information on creating and using web notifications or document transmissions refer to the DocumentTRAK™ documentation. Each notification returned from the ListNotifications operation information includes the current status of the notification as well as a unique identifier that can be used to resend a notification via the ResendNotification method.

The ListNotifications operation requires knowledge of the following:

  • the Document ID of the document for which to list notifications (this is returned as an element in the returned XML from a document submission operation)
  • the AssureSign account ContextIdentifier (this is exposed in the AssureSign administrative application account settings and serves to provide some security to the transaction)
  • the AuthToken of the document for which to list notifications (this is returned as an element in the returned XML from a document submission operation)


  • the Envelope ID of the envelope for which to list notifications (this is returned as an element in the returned XML from an envelope creation operation)
  • the AssureSign account ContextIdentifier (this is exposed in the AssureSign administrative application account settings and serves to provide some security to the transaction)
  • the Envelope AuthToken of the envelope for which to list notifications (this is returned as an element in the returned XML from an envelope creation operation)

Sample XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<ListNotifications xmlns="">
<NotificationListQuery ContextIdentifier="06C4A84A-693C-46CB-8DF2-40A8215AA056" Id="2CE11EF1-8938-DD11-8735-00065B8CE99B" AuthToken="8CC9A84B-693C-46CC-4342-40A8215AD76A" />

The SOAP Action header is

A response will return all notifications configured on the document by type of notification:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ListNotificationsResponse xmlns="">
<NotificationListQueryResult Id="2CE11EF1-8938-DD11-8735-00065B8CE99B">
<EmailNotification NotificationId="66302fa5-a08f-4adc-b23c-a72919e4fce8" Timing="SigningStep_Started" SigningStep="1" DesignName="Document available to sign" DesignSet="Built-in - English (US)" NotificationDate="2010-09-09T15:29:02.2447873Z">
<EmailNotificationRecipient FullName="John Doe" EmailAddress="" IsSignatory="true"/>
<SmsNotification NotificationId="eff1c659-6af5-49c7-9160-a7210130e5d8" Timing="SigningStep_Started" SigningStep="1" NotificationDate="2010-09-09T15:29:02.2447873Z">
<SmsNotificationRecipient FullName="John Doe" MobilePhone="3215556789" IsSignatory="true"/>

<WebNotification NotificationId="08219967-6a78-4218-b25e-74e2285a2bec" Timing="Document_Started" DesignName="Document Started" Endpoint="" Attempts="1" NotificationDate="2010-09-09T15:28:47.2447873Z"/>
<DocumentTransmission NotificationId="cb3a100c-a177-408c-b50b-b27d178ffd80" DesignName="Document Completed - SFTP" TransmissionMethod="Sftp" Endpoint="" Attempts="0" />

The NotificationListQueryResult should be checked for the presence of an Exceptions element, which may contain multiple NotificationListException items.

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