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I'm running into an issue on a Spark V2 page. I am editing a field within a form and as soon as I tab out of the field I get an ugly error that says "div had a div child removed, but there is now more than one. You must add unique key properties to make them distinguishable" (screenshot linked below). I'm wondering if this error is a Skuid bug as the stack trace shows it coming from a skuidRegs function (not a custom snippet).

I was also able to reproduce the issue when I preview the page as well. The error appears in the console, but it is the same error. 

Any ideas what could be going on?

Hi Tim, two questions about that:
1. Is the Form component in a Responsive Grid or Wrapper?
2. Can you reproduce the issue on a simplified page (with UI-only or only standard objects & fields) and share the page XML here?

Hi Luzie,

Sorry for the late reply. I am actually on paternity leave now. I was helping another coworker with this page while he was out on vacation so I am not as familiar with the specifics of this page. He is back in the office now (and I am OOO) so I’ll let him know about this post so he can follow up with you.

Thank you!
