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I am trying to make a Geo Chart on all the Accounts we have in NZ, when I preview the page nothing shows up.
We use the standard Salesforce Picklists, I have checked the data and it is there. 
Why would it not be showing up. 

Hello Rhyannon,

I am going to try to recreate this today to help find a solution. Is this pulling from standard objects? If so, could you share the XML, I could add the page to a dev environment to debug.

Otherwise, I will try to reproduce a similar setup as best as possible. What version of Skuid are you running at the moment?


I almost meant to ask… Are you trying to create a map of just New Zealand and have the accounts divided by province?


Yes I am. I wanted a map of where all out accounts are.

Thanks Rhyannon,

I have a NZ geochart working on a page in our demo org— it appears that we have some different field names in our orgs. But, I think the idea behind the fields are the same.

I can think of 2 other items to check off the top of my head. I see your “Accounts” model does not have a condition to limit it to NZ accounts. That may help in pulling in the correct data to display. Secondly, Highcharts has a somewhat specific format that it is looking for the information to be provided in. I would check the underlying data in the fields being used to ensure that the Country code is “NZ” and that the State/Province uses the following abbreviations in quotes:

‘au’ -





‘4680’ (This is for Bounty Islands)

‘6943’ (This is for Three Kinds Islands)

‘6947’ (This is for The Snares)










See screenshot below for an example:

Does this line up with the data in your database? Apologies for not having a better knowledge of New Zealand geography. Let em know if you have any additional questions or if this isnt very clear.



Thanks so much Clark, I got it working!