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We have Experian address validator on one of the skuid pages, which is working fine. When I opened the same page in a page include from different page, address validator stopped working. Any thoughts on what cause this issue?

Are you passing the correct parameters into the page include?

yes @Stephen I am passing all the req parameters that page is needed to load all it’s models

Dinesh, you can check to see if the parameters are being passed into the page include by previewing the page with the browser’s Network tab open, then finding the request that’s for the page include. The full URL with params should show up there, and if there’s something missing or malformed you’ll be able to tell. One thing you can try is to switch double mustaches to triple mustaches for the merge variables in your page include’s querystring. Usually there should be no difference between {{}} and {{{}}} in page include query strings, from what I understand, but there was a product issue related to this that was recently resolved. 

Thanks Mark, I have validated those parameters and everything seems working there.
But here in our implementation, Experian is working based on the CSS attached to the address table. I also found that master page is having same CSS class name used for one of the table. Does that can mess up with the functionality of the Experian snippet?

If the Experian snippet is looking for a specific class in order to find the data it wants, and that class is also showing up in the master page, it could cause the snippet to look in the wrong place. Are these CSS classes custom, that you added to the components? If so, you should be able to change them in the page composer to make them unique. 

They are custom css. I will recheck my page and make that css unique from master page and update you. Hope this will solve the issue. Thanks for the prompt response.

@Mark. Thanks for the guidance. Found what is the issue. whatever the java snippet we have in place is referring in the DOM of the current page. when we are opening the same page as a page include, the DOM is not same. So the reference of the components need to be adjusted appropriately.