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Hi All,

We have an call center softphone (Interactive Intelligence) configured in Salesforce and it works in the native Salesforce UI via the sidebar. The dialer is IFramed into the sidebar by Salesforce, messages are passed via the interaction.js library and screen pops and everything else work as intended.

However, our use case requires that we embed this dialer within a Skuid page (via an IFRAME and without the sidebar). We have attempted to do this, however Salesforce ignores any of the messages passed out from the dialer (like screen pops).

Has anyone sucessfully integrated an OpenCTI dialer into a Skuid page?

Kind Regards,

Our best recommendation at this point is to keep showHeader=“true” and sidebar=“true” on the parent Visualforce Page and then use CSS to hide the Salesforce header and sidebar portions. Granted this is not going to be an easy task, but I think it will be easier than trying to manage passing appropriate messages with postMessage from an iFrame back to the parent VF Page.
