How do i extract information from a particular row right up until the row is empty.

  • 23 December 2020
  • 3 replies

25574i1495F6F49C570DE2.jpgI would like to extract data from row 11 and let robot know to stop extracting data once the row is empty. but how can i do that? i know that i can use a loop item advanced command? here is what i have done so far.



3 replies



Please try to use “Copy from Excel” command and specify the cells range using “From – To” option, leave “To Column” empty.


Thank you.


First do a excel row count and allow no empty rows.

Use this number as coordinates to find your row if it's empty it will be ignored

Hi, this is very straightforward, if I've understood correctly. Just use the Get Table Data AC to extract row 11, then use the Loop Items AC to process each field in that row until it is empty. The row can be of varying length and whether it is only 4 fields long or 100 fields long, the loop will stop when there is nothing more to extract.

