Automation Sample: Microsft Word .NET Plugin

  • 17 April 2020
  • 7 replies


This .NET plugin contains several functions for automating Microsoft Word Documents.

  1. Create empty Word Document
  2. Read from Word Document
  3. Append to Word Document
  4. Find and replace text in word document


General Information:

Kryon Studio Version: 20.3.1


Preliminary Adjustments:

  1. Ensure that the plugin has been loaded into the wizard (Menu -> Tools -> Plugin manager -> Embedded Plugin)
  2. Add the parameters for the functions.



  1. The ReadMe.txt contains more information on the functions and the parameters that are required.


Process Developer/Contributors:

  1. Mark Lim


7 replies


how to use this module, what needs to be done to make AK appear, they are not.


Added a module and saved, restarted the wizardStudio



You may use the "Run .net plugin" Advanced command in your wizard. You should be able to see the plugin and select from a list of functions. You may refer to the readme on how to use the different functions. 

thanks, it worked.

What should be specified as the overwrite indicator?there is no description in the documentation what exactly is passed as a string for the indicator

The full path is needed for the file name, f-I reading from the file works

The overwriteIndicator is the 2nd argument that the function takes in. if its set to false and the file exists, the word document will not be created. Set it to true to overwrite the existing word document.


true! true and false is obvious!

why didn't I think about it 🙂

thank you Mark
