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Location of Nintex RPA components logs #SL

  • November 10, 2023
  • 0 replies



In order to download Application Server logs,you need to do it through the SEQ application.
Tо access the Seq application installed on the same machine, you need to open a browser on the application server’s machine, or the dedicated Seq server (depending on your environment) and type in the FQDN followed by /seq.
For installation located on a different machine - "http://your-seq-server:5341  -  If you installed Seq to the default port 5341

You can download the logs for a specific time by setting the desired time period.

Redis logs - %ProgramData%\Kryon\Logs – could be configured for a different location

Robot/Studio logs are located below : %localappdata%\Kryon\<computerName>\Logs

RabbitMQ logs – Kryon or Nintex\Queue\RabbitMQ\Data\log

Aerobase/Nginx logs  - Kryon or Nintex \IDP\Aerobase\Logs

SEQ logs – %ProgramData%\Seq\Logs

Event Viewer Logs

  1. Start Event Viewer by going to Start > search box (or press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box) and type eventvwr.
  2. Within Event Viewer, expand Windows Logs.


  3. Click the type of logs you need to export.
  4. Click Action Save All Events As...
  5. Ensure that the Save as type is set to .evtx and save the log file to a destination of your choosing.
  6. If you are prompted to display information, select the Display information... radio button and choose English (United States) as shown in the screen capture below (unless otherwise directed by support) and click OK.

    Note: The .evtx does not contain the full text of most of the events. Adding the display information ensures that everything is captured.
  7. This creates an .evtx file and a folder that is called LocaleMetaData in the directory that is specified in step 5. Add this file and directory to a compressed compressed file.

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