Our organisation is looking at adding Te Reo Position Titles in our software systems including Process Manager. Has any other organisations out there done this in their Process Manager System and how. Thanks
Te Reo Position Titles in Process Manager
You could add the Te Reo term to your system catalog in the Tags section:
Then, if the Te Reo term is used in process text, it will be underlined, and the definition will be shown.
You could also do the reverse and add the Te Reo term in the System Name field and other names in the tags; however, anything in the System Name field cannot have spaces.
Does that help?
Thanks for your replies. I should have added to the original question that we are looking to put both the Te Reo and English position titles under the role fields of our systems including Process Manager. It would look something like Kaitakawaenga Maori - Iwi Liaison Officer, with the Te Reo first.
Thanks Raewyn
I do not believe that is possible.
Regarding your original question of if someone has done this in Process Manager, I am not aware of an example for Te Reo, but I know it’s possible for Latin-based & non-Latin-based languages to exist together (see example with English & Thai), or Latin-based of different font-series (see example of Greek & English) in the Role/Responsibility field and display correctly throughout the system.
An item that is worth noting: The quick filter will not recognise some of the non-Latin characters and will instead put them under the numeric filter (123). You can instead use the search filter, which operates with any type character.
We are also currently fixing an issue where the Thai language is not displaying properly in very specific cases in reports, so it’s worth verifying ahead of time if any critical reports do not display Te Reo properly, but I don’t expect any issue.
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