
Is there a way to get "Group" names to display alphabetical order?

  • 30 November 2023
  • 4 replies

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Please DISREGARD, found answer.

4 replies

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Hi Elena, 

Can you let me know the answer? 





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Hi Andrea, 

Under the “Admin” → “Manage Groups” → open the groups as needed to find the group/or-process to alphabetize, then drag and drop where wanted, TWICE+

The issue I ran into was that even when I alphabetized in “Manage Groups,” the main-user-screen area did NOT reflect the order. However, if I drag and drop twice (well 3x’s actually) and saved each time, then finally the order took. Its weird. In other words, to get the alphabetical order to appear correctly on the user-screen area:

1. drag and drop to correct order → Save 
2. drag and drop to incorrect order → Save,
3. drag and drop back to correct order, again → Save.

This worked. however, strangely… sometimes, for NO obvious reason, a few groups would put themselves out-of-order again in the user view. And when going back to the “Admin” → “Manage Group” menu, I would repeat the above crazy “work-around” and the group(s) would be in order again and remain.

I’m no expert on this, and if anyone finds a better way that works, do tell! :-)

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@butlerj - 

Is there a better way to do what @ElenaWest and @Ande are trying to do? Is what ElenaWest describes expected functionality?




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Thanks Elena! Amazing that you figured that out! As Sam said it would be interesting to know if that is the way its supposed happen - not very user friendly!
