
Improvement module - How to close an incident bypassing stakeholders in the workflow?

  • 20 March 2024
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hello Nintex community,

Re: Improvement Module

Can I please get your guidance on ‘how to close an incident bypassing stakeholders in the workflow’ as a portfolio manager?

I’m the portfolio manager for a portfolio where an incident has been completed/resolved. I want to ‘close’ this incident but the “close” stage is not available to me, even though I have a role that is supposed to manage the whole workflow? I’m also the Promaster in this organisation.

I have configured this portfolio with dedicated ‘assigners, approvers and closers so I’m not sure whether this might be preventing me to take actions (bypassing those roles), even though I’m the portfolio manager.

Can you please shed some light here?



7 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Hello @cferrer - Normally a Portfolio Manager (or Promaster) should be able to navigate to the incident, then to the Close tab and hit the Close button. Are you able to see the Close button for the incident in question?

Userlevel 5
Badge +21

Hi @cferrer 
Would you please add some more info here?

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hi @EvgeniosE, thanks for your reply.

I can see the ‘Close’ button but is not enable (nor actionable). This issue got me thinking even after I sent this query so, I suspect it has to do with the fact that for this particular portfolio, I had configured: Assigner, Approver and Closer for the workflow. I have the impression that under this structure, the portfolio manager has no longer privileges to bypass those roles? But of course, I might be wrong.

Can you please comment on my assumption and provide a work-around, if applicable?



Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hi @MillaZ, thanks for your reply to my query.

Does my reply above suffice in terms of providing more information?

Otherwise, please let me know.



Userlevel 5
Badge +21

Thank you @cferrer!

@EvgeniosE please see the response above! 

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Hello @cferrer - Normally as the Portfolio Manager you should be able to see a banner like the following example when you navigate to the close tab of the incident/improvement, where User1 is you. A similar banner should be seen for the Promaster (see examples). 



If neither of these banners appear, then there might be an issue with your tenant and more in depth investigation is needed. In that case I would advice you to raise the issue through 

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hi @EvgeniosE, thanks again for your reply.

I know what you mean; I’ve seen that banner before (which is why I was surprised for not seeing it this time). The “close” tab is not even ‘available’ to click on… like there is an action plan pending for approval, which is not the case.

I might raise a ticket to the support team.

Thanks for your insights,

