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Conditional Processes in groups showing after where I want it to come back in

  • 3 July 2024
  • 5 replies


I am creating a process. I move happily along to a decision. I then reach a decision point. If the ‘product’ is a tier 4 there are two extra steps so I go off into another group, perfect.

I then want to bring the group back in as a conditional, I can not place it after a decision, will not save. So has to go after the next step, so on the map it does not look like you need to follow the next process.

screen shot of what it looks like at the moment

We have lots of examples like this. Anyone have any ideas to make this work at group level?

Thanks in advance


Hi, instead of using a decision point, I would include a conditional link to the first process in the group rather than the group itself ( assuming the processes in the group are linked together). 

Thanks for the idea I will give it a go. Issue then Is I will not be able to bring it back in at the right point again as you cannot have two conditional process next to each other.

Yes it is an issue. To work around this, we normally refer to which activity you would resume from i.e complete ‘’ by resuming at activity 4 of the process below” and then link the original process at the end of the processes in the ‘group’ ( if that makes sense). It won’t clearly show on the process map for the original process bit will maintain the flow for the person following the process.

Definitely not ideal, may be worth suggesting an improvement allowing for conditional links to be together.

Hello @Jamo,

Another alternative could be to use a ‘conditional statement’ rather than a decision point. For example (and I know this one has nothing to do with your process but just to illustrate my point), rather than a decision point as follows: “Is milk required?” - Y/N, you might simply add another activity as “If milk is required, ask customer what type of coffee”. This will eliminate your decision point.

I’m not sure about the rationale of your whole process group but I’m thinking that by eliminating the ‘decision point’ (shape), you might have a way around your issue.

Hope this helps,


Hi all,

Thank for the super speedy responses. This is what I ended with for now. Not perfect as groups do not show conditional processes as good as processes but it looks a little cleaner using a conditional process.


