Hello hivemind. We just switched over to Nintex Forms and i’ve learned a lot digging through this forum. I apologize if this has been asked already and would be grateful for some clarity.
We recently upgraded from SharePoint 2010(i know) to 2019 and due to the changed Microsoft has made to lookup columns i am unable to use one. Thanks to Nintex i can use a Lookup control to point to the list i want.
My question is: Is it possible to display the selections from one column, and save the associated data from another? using employee information as an example, have the drop down show the employee name but have the single line of text column capture the employee ID thats in the same list?
I am unable to use a workflow(as far as i can tell) because the list i’m looking up is on another SP site and now lookups only look on the local subsite.
I have tried a calculated value formula but so far have not been able to get this to work. I might have to try some javascript.
I appreciate it.