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Instructions for DocGen in Nintex For Sharepoint

I’ve been looking around the community site and I cannot seem to find any instructions on how to setup the Doc Gen templates.  I know we need to use various tags, but I am not sure how those tags reference fields within the built form.  Are there any instructions out there on where to do this.  I’ve seen plenty of instructions for DocGen for Salesforce.  That is not what I am doing.  Thank you.

Hi @brianknight 


Its very straightforward to create a Document Template. You need to open your Word document and the Nintex Document Tagger side-by-side. You should see a link to the Nintex Document Tagger in the DocGen action.


Prepare your Word Document first. Then position where you want a value from the Nintex Document Tagger. Just click the value in the Tagger (copy value) and in Word just paste the value.  


Save your Word document (I prefer to edit the Word doc locally on my PC then make a copy to the SP document folder. Or you can just open the Word doc from the SP document folder directly)


Run the workflow to verify that the DocGen works and a PDF file is generated and save to the document library. 



Here is the User Manual for Nintex O365 (this is the closest for Nintex for SharePoint)

This is perfect thank you.  Quick question, about how long does it take to actually create the document?  We’ve tried one and it doesn’t seem to do anything.  The workflow just stops at the doc gen step and does nothing.  No error or anything, I was just wondering if I’m missing something somewhere.  

The DocGen action has several important items to configure

  • The Template File
  • The Template location
  • The Output Filename
  • The Output location

Is your output filename static always the same? Then you may want to enable Overwrite Existing Item (the DocGen will not save if an existing file exist when overwrite is disabled)

Where did you save your generated PDF to? 

Do you mind to share your DocGen configuration?

It is a pretty simple setup.  We were doing a test to learn how to use this tool.  

Right now, the word file only has a few tagged fields.  It just hangs there waiting to create the document.  All I see in the workflow messages is a workflow comment “0 of 2500 consumed for Document Generation, for the license expiring 09 June 2024”.  Not sure what we are missing.

The configuration looks good. Place a Log action below the DocGen action.

Just state ”Yeah! DocGen completed”

Next publish your workflow and run that workflow.


What happens when you run the workflow? 

Do you see the generated PDF in the Documents folder? 

Also try configuring the “Error handling” section at the bottom of the Document Generation action. This can give you some insight into what may not be working as expected.

Are you seeing any errors in the workflow history when running the workflow?

No errors ever pop up as it never tries to complete the doc generation step.  It is as if the workflow is waiting for something. I let it hang overnight and it is still waiting to create the doc after 16 hours.  Is there some sort of service that needs to be turned on at the site collection level maybe?

Hi @brianknight 

I suggest you to “sandwich: the DocGen action between two Log to History actions.
Also configure the “Error handling” section as stated by @bamaeric 

When you run your workflow, you should see the message “Starting DocGen” first. The DocGen should take at most 5-15 min to complete. Then the second message “Completed DocGen” should appear. 


Rerun your workflow. Then check the following
Did the first log message appear?
Did the second log message appear? 
Is there a generated PDF in the Documents folder?


So here is what I’ve setup.  

It is a pretty simple workflow.  After running and letting it run for a while, this is where it stands:

You can see it started and had the first history log.  It then just stops at the doc generation spot.  It never goes past that point.  

I’ve looked around in Site Collection settings to see if something is missing there.  We’ve even ran it in other parts of our environment just in case there was something goofy in our dev environment.  Basically does the same thing.  We’ve opened a support ticket on it to see if Nintex support can assist. I’ll keep you posted if something comes from there.  If there is something that needs to be turned on somewhere, please let me know.  If it does, I haven’t seen it yet.


@Garrett Thank you, I had already checked this.  This setting is currently set as active.  

I just found this post on the site.

Workflow is stuck on Document Generation action | Community (

Just tried this, restarted the workflow and still the same issue.  

Well I spoke too soon.  It took around 15 minutes, but that solved the problem. Thank you for your help here.
