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Approver comments

  • 9 August 2023
  • 2 replies


is this possible to show Approver comments without date, hour and other things which are no needed?

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

Yes, serval way to achive it :

  • You can make a query to your task item (in the task list) to get the ‘comment’ field, after the Flexy task action in your worklfow
  • Create a ‘comment’ field in your sharepoint list, and directly in your task form, use this field. So you will have the comment texte directly save in your item
  • Create a ‘comment’ variable in your workflow, in the task form add a multiline control and connect this controle to your workflow variable


Userlevel 6
Badge +21

Hi @mkulesza97 
Did this response help solve your question? 
