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I have some difficulties with the following

- How can I set a rule in Nintex forms so when I enter a value in "Cost" field and without ticking the box VAT.  The value of the  Cost field should appear in "Total"

- And when i tick the VAT box it should calculate the Cost + VAT in the Total field (or do i need somehow a calculated value instead of Total field)


Any help please!






I would prefer to use calculated field to show total value, if a text field is being used to show total, you have to write jquery to handle lost focus event on "Cost" field.

Also plan your formula for calculated field to calculate VAT also if it is checked.

Hi Krishna,

What is the formula of calculating Cost plus when VAT box is ticked in a caculated value?



What is the VAT value that needs to be added to Cost?

Hi Roger,

It is 20%.


I created a calculated column called Total with this formula: =IF(VAT,Cost*1.2,Cost)

I just used the OOTB SharePoint functionality for this. Why create a custom form when the OOTB stuff will work?

Hi Roger,

Tried it but not working as my VAT is a check box and not a YES/NO field (as in your example).

Is the formula not different having a Checkbox field?



Those few fileds are just a part of a bigger FORM.....

Regardless you can create the fields and then add them to the Nintex form. I would take advantage of OOTB if possible.

Hi Adam,

Here you go!

Have a calculated field and apply the below formula, chkVAT is name of CheckBox control, txtCost is name of Cost control.

Hi Krishna,


Briliant...Thank you very much Sir.


