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Since there is not a "delegate task" option in 365, I'd like to find another way to reassign a task. Using the task escalation is not an option in my case as I won't always want it escalated to a specific person or timeframe. I want to be able to assign the task to anyone and anytime of my choosing. I get an error, The destination site was unable to process request. The provided credentials might not have access to the site. 


My idea was to have a workflow that can manually be executed in the Workflow Task list. I've got it running with elevated permissions.25070i9394BB36F3F3C0C5.jpg

 I have two variables that can be set on workflow initiation.


 Update the task's Assigned To field where Task Title = Task Title Var.


When I run the workflow, I get an error of The destination site was unable to process request. The provided credentials might not have access to the site. In the connection manager, I'm using the same connection that has successfully been used to create list items in other sites that the user doesn't have access to.

Hi @GoIllini 


Just to clarify, do you want to "reassign a single Task" or "all Task owned by a user"?


I'm able to reassign a single Task with the "Update List Item"


Here are the settings.


You might ask how to get the ID? Well, just use a "Query List"





I have the same issue. Any tips for solution?


Just a note here. The Office 365 Update Items action uses the credentials in the connection to perform the action. Putting the action inside an action set configured with elevated permissions has no affect. If anything it may cause issues. Based on the error the credentials in the connection do not have sufficient permissions on the Task List. Just because the credentials work on other lists does not mean they have permissions on the Task List.

Good point @SimonMuntz. Thanks for sharing

@Garrett Thank you. I don't know how I missed that update list action. Still trying to get used to the 365 version vs. on-prem. This was much simpler! 


@bikhargaya This worked for me. I have one variable called "Delegate Task To" and checked the box for initiation. Therefore, when I manually start the workflow on an item, that variable is shown on the start workflow screen. I just type in the person I want to delegate the task to. A simple one action workflow. 



