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Hi all,


I have 2 date fields (start date, end date) in a new responsive nintex designer.
I would like to limit the user to choose a date earlier than the start date.

I have only found a solution to this in the old responsive nintex designer here: Solved: End date cannot be greater than the start Date - Nintex Community


Does anyone have a solution for this using the new responsive designer?
Any help is appreciated!



This one should be quite easy to implement.


Create a new Rule.


The statement should read:

If  "StartDate" IsAfter "EndDate" (you have to press the plus above this field and chose the date out of the form controls)



"StartDate" Value ""(blank, literally type nothing)

"StartDate" Required "Yes"

"StartDate" Description "The Date Requested must be before the Date Required."


Hope this helps.





Hi Conrad,

Thank you so much for your solution!
Much appreciated

Many thanks,
