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I am using SMO UMUser with method "Get Roles for User" and passing FQN to it.


When i execute SMO from Management it gives me 4 group name. I am trying to same return result in datalabel on form to check in if condition.


But in datalabel it saves onl first group name(top in the result) not other 3 groups.


Can any one help me, how to do this?

Hi Bhushanborole

Can you possible provided a screenshots of the UMUser Smartobject you are executing as per the default methods ,I am not seeing the method you are using is this a custom UMUser Smartobject ?



i attached images for smo execution and results. i am using OOTB smo from systemmanagementusermanagementsmartobjects.


In result u can see 5 group/roles, but when i assign it to datalabel, i am getting only "everyone" in datalabel not all 5 roles.


