In the grid control is “Selected Filter”, where users can configure and save their own filters. How (in K2 Cloud), can I view the detail of those configured filters? I know we have some users that are using the functionality, but can’t tell how many, or what sort of filters they’ve configured.
You can view the filters of grid controls in the “Property” tab of the control. Some filters can also be done via the “rules” of your form/view. Here is a link with more information on grid controls. Hope this helps.
Kind Regards
I think we’re talking about something different. I have a grid that has “runtime filtering” enabled, per this option:
Which at runtime, looks like this:
Each user that configures a filter using this functionality sees only their own filter configuration. But how can I, as an administrator, see the detail of filters that all users have configured?
I dont think that is possible. From what I understand (Im not 100% sure about this), only the user that creates the listview filter can view/access it. I did find this article which is relatable, hopefully it will be helpful.
Kind Regards
Hi @Jason3
I think there is a way that you can see it but it will require accessing the K2 database which is a long shot.
In K2 database there is a table ‘UserSetting’ that has the runtime filters.
Please note that the runtime filters value is saved as xml code.
You can run the following code:
SELECT TOP (1000) Oid]
, Value]
FROM K2].FForm].2UserSetting]
<ViewFilterCriteria><FilterCriteria name="TEST FOR COM"><Filter isSimple="True"><Equals><Item SourceType="ViewField" SourceID="3c747b30-8b92-0cac-294d-7e6e8c25ea7e" DataType="text" Name="72abe205-c92a-7f3c-43a1-7803723d1b26_3c747b30-8b92-0cac-294d-7e6e8c25ea7e" SourceName="Name" SourceDisplayName="Name">Name</Item><Item SourceType="Value"><SourceValue><Item SourceType="Value"><!eCDATA&Qualified]]></Item></SourceValue></Item></Equals></Filter></FilterCriteria><FilterCriteria name="test number 2"><Filter isSimple="True"><Equals><Item SourceType="ViewField" SourceID="3c747b30-8b92-0cac-294d-7e6e8c25ea7e" DataType="text" Name="72abe205-c92a-7f3c-43a1-7803723d1b26_3c747b30-8b92-0cac-294d-7e6e8c25ea7e" SourceName="Name" SourceDisplayName="Name">Name</Item><Item SourceType="Value"><SourceValue><Item SourceType="Value"><!eCDATA&failed]]></Item></SourceValue></Item></Equals></Filter></FilterCriteria></ViewFilterCriteria>
On the results you can see that I have 2 runtime filters :
- Test for com with CData Qualified] (name = qualified runtime filter)
- Test number 2 with CData Failed] (name = failed runtime filter)
Unfortunately I’m using K2 Cloud, so direct database access is unavailable.
Hi @Jason3
I agree with Prineel, Since you are using Cloud I don’t think it would be possible to get the runtime filter information.
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