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I have K2 Roles that we use to easily manage the Users in the application. I have added AD Groups to these roles rather than to add a bunch load of users manually. Now, i send out Tasks as well as Emails to these roles by using the Role or "Get Role Users" respectivly to actually get these out to the users.


Firstly , Tasks are not assigned to Users in AD Groups (it does send out to indivual users)

Secondly, When Executing the User Role or URM User Smart Objects, i do not get the users that are in these AD Groups. However, in some situations SOME AD Users from the AD Groups will show up in the  URM User.


Is there a setting perhaps on the K2 Five Server that allows these AD Group Users to be resolved? Am i Missing something?


I have found this:12489i9CB00DD5652B6ABE.png




Please Advise

Good day   @Cal_Muller;

 May I kindly recommend this for your environment:


This should also work, even if it's for 5.3 it still applies to 5.2


If the issue is still not resolved, please execute the stored procedure from this KB article:


Kind regards,



Good day Cal_Muller


Will you also try the running the query included in the following links if you have not tried it yet:

Failed to resolve 'K2:DomainGroupName ---:,

Failed to resolve 'K2:THEDOMAINTHEGROUP ---:,

Hotfix: Active Directory groups not resolving:

Nested AD Groups:




