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I have a process which uses Lithium theme for the main form but at certain points in the form process it opens a 'subform' to a different list.

I want the subform to open using a different theme to lithium so it appears seamlessly as part of the pop up window (ie, all white), but I have discovered that even though I set a different theme on the 'sub form', ie; Offcie 2013...  the function of opening it in a subform action seems to adopt the theme of the main (parent form)... which looks a bit silly and not very fluid.


I have managed to find the css to manually get rid of the parent theme panel header on the subform, however there is one last style css that ie developer tools is failing me on and I just can't find!



Does anyone know what the CSS style is for the shadowed box around panels on Lithiumk (not the actual panel border, but the shadowed panel wrapper?  So that I can set a datalabel expression to 'display none or at least change the colour to white?


Thanks :-) 



Hi  @JulieBird ;


Please dive into the following as it was workaround on certain case from our records:-


Name the Data Label e.g. StyleShadowDisable
In the Text field add (everything including the style tags): <style>@media screen {body.theme-entry {text-shadow: none;}} </style>
Uncheck "Visible"
Check "Literal"

Save the form and retest, preferable in all browser types, to see if this resolves the issue.
This should override the “style-shadow” setting at runtime when the form loads.


hope it helps or drives you to the correct direction.


Kind Regards;



Thanks Widson for detailed response, I'd have never have found that :-)


