1. Are these static values or are you calling them from a data source?
2. Im assuming all your past requests are in a list view and you are working in a listview.
3. Are you trying to make the past request options (A,B,C,D) read-only for the new requests, and just have the new options (A,E) functionable?
4. Is there a unique identifier that would require the dropdown to use the second set of options? (Like a specific value in a control)
Kind Regards
1. Right now I am calling them from a SmartObject that stores the options. I was thinking of changing them to a static list but i am flexible if this will not work.
2. Yes all past requests are in a History list view that when double clicked will open a the form with the drop down.
3. So ideally all past requests would load the correct corresponding option to display in read only. and all new requests and request not closed yet would change to use the new set of options.
4. These values are not dependant on another control. I just want to make it so the options shown to the user going forward would be the new set they can choose from.
Im not entirely sure if this is what you are looking for, but hopefully it will help you in someway:
1. I creatred 1 smartobject with 2 columns (1 for your first set of options and the other for your second set).
2. I then created a second smartobject (see 2ndSMO.png) and created 3 coloumns in the table:
Drop1: Coloumn contains dropdown list controls that have been configured to store set 1 (first options set)
Drop2: Coloumn contains dropdown list controls that have been configured to store set 2 (second options set)
Date: Coloumn contains the date control (I am basically going to filter which control coloumn should show when adding a new entry based on the date control)
3. I used the bottom row options to add data to the listview (thats the controls that i did the filter on, you can filter on any controls you want to, see highlightedImage.png)
4. On the date control (of highlightedImage.png) i created a rule to to hide either the set1 or set2 control (these are the 2 drop-down list controls from the highlighed image) based on the date that is selected by the user (see rules.png, firstAdvancedIF.png, Configureproperties.png and secondAdvancedIf). I did not include images of disabling the controls as you would just select "no" on both "visible" and "disable" in Configureproperties.png.
So basically, when a user enters a new entry, based on the date, it will hide one drop-down control and display the other, I could not change the dataset from one drop-down control, thats why I used 2 controls. Im not sure if this will work in your scenario, but i do hope it helps . Feel free to ask any questions :).
Kind Regards