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What is best practice for:
I have a TEST environment SQL database and a PRODUCTION environment SQL database. I created some views/forms using SmartObjects that were service instances of the TEST SQL database but now that I’ve completed testing the views/forms, I am ready to use the PRODUCTION SQL database. Will I have to re-develop all of the views/forms with the PRODUCTION SQL service instance, or should I just replace the TEST smart objects with the PROD smart objects? Or is it possible to update the server within the existing TEST service instance or would this break everything? I am just trying to figure out what my options are without having to completely re-develop since everything will be the same (views and forms); the only difference being, instead of modifying our TEST SQL database with the K2 forms, I want to modify our PRODUCTION SQL database.

Here is an example for further clarification:
Let’s say my form asks for Name and Email. I am using a SmartObject to store this data in my Test database on submit. I want to use the same form/views to store the data in my Production SQL database. What is the best way to do this without having to completely re-develop the views/forms.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

If you have just one K2 server, which appears to be the case, my recommondation would be just to re-point your TEST SQL Service Instance to PROD - you will not have to re-work anything. Ideally, though, you'd have another K2 server that has just the PROD SQL Server instance and it would have the same GUID as the TEST SQL Server instance on the non-prod K2 server. Then you can package and deploy views/forms/smartobjects between the two seamlessly.
