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Hi - i have a workflow failed due to Semantic.ParallelBranchLimitExceeded but not sure why.


One of the branches is “Run if from a repeated sections of tasks → lead to component workflows” but only run if i select Yes, maybe it is the cause? However i do not know how to fix it. The error occurs when i select No but i expect the workflow will skip this branch.


Thank you vm!

Hello @mjliu ,

Does the RUN IF logic work if you reference a string in the comparison?

You may need to use some of the ‘collection’ actions to return for first result


Alternatively if you wanted to check for a certain condition in the results, perform a loop on the repeating section and if that condition is matched, feed that result into a variable and use that variable in the RUN IF logic.

I can only imagine the issue lies with the fact you are referencing a repeating section data source.

Thanks Anthony. It seems i have too many branches in the parallel review actions subsequently, it is solved now.
