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In Form there is upload file control to receive files.

And I want to show it on Task form so assignee can download file by clicking it, like at the Form view on My Nintex.

I can get filename by Query JSON but I couldn’t get url to download file.


I can use file attachment on email, but I want to keep it compact so Assignee can view it in one form.

Going through component workflow to get download url is another option, but it use another workflow. I want to keep it as plan B.


Is there a way to get download link or other method to reference uploaded files in Task form?



Hi @Juyoung 


Save the files to online file storage eg SPO Documents or SPO List Item Attachments or Box or Google Drive. You should get the File URLs as the output.


You should use a Component Workflow for this as you will probably share this Component with many other workflows which require to show File Attachments from the initial submit form. 
