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Hi Nintex Community,


      Today's SDK update contains a sample for adding a custom inline function to your Nintex Forms. You can use the Nintex PowerShell cmdlets (via  SharePoint 2013 Management Shell) to add, manage, and review custom inline functions for your forms. The update also contains reference topics for the Nintex Forms PowerShell cmdlets. Cmdlets include:

  • Add-FormControl
  • Add-InlineFunction
  • Create-NFDatabase
  • Deactivate-NFOrphanedLiveAndMobileForms
  • Install-NFService
  • Remove-FormControl
  • Remove-InlineFunction
  • Show-InlineFunctions
  • Show-RuntimeFunctions
  • Update-NFLicense
  • Update-NFSiteId
  • Upgrade-NFMobileRelay
  • Upgrade-NFService

      Earlier today I also shared a blog post with an informal walk through of using the Nintex Forms Client and Nintex Forms Publish Example console application to retrieve a form from the Nintex Forms NfRestService web service. Nintex provides end points to export, publish, and delete forms.

     Next week's update will contain a walk-through of modifying the form XML with a text editor and then importing your modified form XML The code sample will contain a console application that will update the XML DOM to make your changes. The reference topic update will contain an explanation of the Form XML elements.

     Thanks again for your comments on the Forms SDK. I'm curious to find out about your experience creating custom forms and if you have examples that I'd love to see them. I have more things coming up as well such as even more information about the Form XML, a reference for the Forms controls, and a JavaScript library.


Thanks again!


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