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Workflow can be started from Form (working o.k.) and from other process (IPC call), which is cousing errors. The difference is only that when it is started from IPC, SP Item must be first created. New SP Item is created inside this WorkFlow, since it doesn't exist yet. Error is throw when Data Event tries to get values from SP Item. I thing that WorkFlow doesn't know Item reference to this newly created Item (method GetListItem fails). Already in previus activity, where I send task to user per email WorkList hyperlink is blank. The task is created in WorkList ...


Again: WorkFlow runs correctly when it's called from FOrm (Item created before WorkFlow start).


Should I somehow create reference with ID, which should be passed from Form (after Item was created) to WorkFlow?


I appriciate for any TIPS & TRICKS ...




The WorkFlow has error 28083 in Data Event.


Error description is:


28083 ServerEvent: A list can only be used in an expression if it contains exactly one value.


Server stack trace:

at SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Extenders.WinWFExtender.OnExecute(Object context, XmlElement data, ResolverManager resolverManager)

at SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Extenders.ResolverExtenderBase.Execute(Object context, String data)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, ObjectI] args, Object server, Objectc]& outArgs)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)


Exception rethrown at e0]:

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)

at SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.IK2Extender.Execute(Object context, String data)

at SourceCode.KO.ProcessInstance.ExecuteExtender(Guid , State , ContextType , Object , Int32 , String , Guid )

InnerException: An unexpected error has occured while trying to resolve a value for Resolver ID 22d1b47c-1d4a-4a8f-9f7e-3cb991e144c6.

at SourceCode.Framework.Data.ResolverManager.GetValue(String runtimeData)

at ExtenderProject_8f1d4f633a3d4671a785a369b8578bc7.EventItem_db3932367520479ea88894fac963bd4a.PerformMapping0() in c:Usersalesk.POMGRAD_DMNAppDataLocalTemp9ExtenderProjectsCSWinWF-8f1d4f633a3d4671a785a369b8578bc7EventItem_db3932367520479ea88894fac963bd4a.xoml.mappings.cs:line 24

at ExtenderProject_8f1d4f633a3d4671a785a369b8578bc7.EventItem_db3932367520479ea88894fac963bd4a.PerformMapping() in c:Usersalesk.POMGRAD_DMNAppDataLocalTemp9ExtenderProjectsCSWinWF-8f1d4f633a3d4671a785a369b8578bc7EventItem_db3932367520479ea88894fac963bd4a.xoml.mappings.cs:line 359

at ExtenderProject_8f1d4f633a3d4671a785a369b8578bc7.EventItem_db3932367520479ea88894fac963bd4a.Mapper_ExecuteCode(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:Usersalesk.POMGRAD_DMNAppDataLocalTemp9ExtenderProjectsCSWinWF-8f1d4f633a3d4671a785a369b8578bc7EventItem_db3932367520479ea88894fac963bd4a.xoml.cs:line 55

at System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Activity.RaiseEvent(DependencyProperty dependencyEvent, Object sender, EventArgs e)

at System.Workflow.Activities.CodeActivity.Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)

at System.Workflow.ComponentModel.ActivityExecutorOperation.Run(IWorkflowCoreRuntime workflowCoreRuntime)

at System.Workflow.Runtime.Scheduler.Run()

InnerException: An unexpected error has occured while trying to resolve a value for Resolver ID 71a54e2e-9109-41da-851d-ea8b86404e0c.

at SourceCode.Framework.Data.ResolverManager.GetValue(String runtimeData)

at SourceCode.Workflow.Data.Resolvers.FunctionFieldPartResolver.OnGetValue(String data)

at SourceCode.Framework.Data.ResolverManager.GetValue(String runtimeData)

InnerException: A list can only be used in an expression if it contains exactly one value.

at SourceCode.Expressions.Sceil.ExecutionContext.GetConstant(Int32 constantIndex)

at SourceCode.Expressions.Sceil.Instructions.LoadConstantInstruction.Execute(ExecutionContext context)

at SourceCode.Expressions.Sceil.SceilProgram.Execute()

at SourceCode.Workflow.Data.Resolvers.Resolvers.Expressions.SceilExecutor.Execute(Stream stream)

at SourceCode.Workflow.Data.Resolvers.ExpressionFieldPartResolver.OnGetValue(String data)

at SourceCode.Framework.Data.ResolverManager.GetValue(String runtimeData)

. Error happens only when it is called from other WorkFlow.




Hi Ales


Thanks for your post on the K2 Community


The error you describe, is when a method is expecting a single variable (int or string) but gets a list (array). I'd suggest looking at the event that it is in and make sure you are drilling down to the correct data.


I also noted that this behaviour is corrected on 4.6.9, What version of K2 are you experiencing this behaviour?


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