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Hello guys! 

Is there a way to add a button to the form in order to allow the user to see the workflow progress?

Here's how I planned to do it:



but is there a way to add a button to the form?

Thanks in advance.




Sure. The 'View Flow' URL is just a static link to the workflow server with the process ID tacked on the end. If you add a parameter to your form to store the process ID and set the parameter in your workflow client event, you can then re-create the URL in your form and set it as the target of a 'navigate to URL' button click rule.

You can create a rule on the button to navigate to the viewflow url. I like to create a seperate form for the view flow. In this form I add from the controls a Worklist and under that a Content URL. 



So every time you click a different process it will show you where it is in the workflow.


Then you can build out a dashboard that has different buttons that navigate to different forms used in the process. For instance you can have a "New Entry" button and a "Search Button" and a button to view current workflows.


So to configure the Viewflow form do the following.


Create a form called "Your Process"_Viewflow.


In the form drag the Worklist and Content URL controls into the form. (As seen above)


Configure a rule for the worklist control. The rule should be as follows..


When Worklist Item is clicked set the properties of a form control.



To add this from the Contect Browser expand controls. 




Expand the Data folder.



Then click ok. Save and Finish.



When finished you will have a form that allows you to search a process and click on an item to see where it is in the workflow.



Bryan Peters



Man, you are awesome!

Actually this is more than what I was looking for.

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.

Also... do you know if there's a way to see the progress  of the task of the users? 



Me as an originator want to see how's an employee doing with his workflow...

Is there a way to see their workflow progress too? 

Thanks in advance!

No problem! Glad to help. I think I know what you are asking. On the viewflow form that you created when you click on an item and the viewflow pops up at the bottom you will see some options available to you.



Please let me know if this isn't what you were asking.



Bryan Peters

