Hi Sol,
As per our compatibility matrix (https://help.k2.com/blackpearl/support-matrix), Visual Studio 2017 is not supported on K2 Blackpearl 4.7.
You will find more detailed information on the following documentation:-
1. https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/K2blackpearl/ICG/4.7/default.htm#Plan/Plan.htm%3FTocPath%3DPlan%7C_____0
2. https://help.k2.com/kb001745
We are using your product for a number of years and have a lot of business process in production. We are anxious to know if there are plans for support to Visual Studio 2017. Companies as massive as ours have strict policies to not use product which are in support. If Microsoft stop supporting VS 2015, which we are using extensively for K2 process. (code) we will forced out of using K2 and may be need to check for alternatives. Do you road map or plans to integrate with VS 2015 ?
If not, it is a concern and we have look for alternate products.