Hi All,
I would like to use the SQL Import/Export Wizard to import smartobject data by using the .NET Data Provider for K2 smartobjects.
I installed K2 blackpearl Core on the SQL Server which made available the provider in the drop down for the Data Source.
After this, I completed all the details relating to server name, port and selected smartobjects.
I completed the wizard by selecting all the relevant source and destination info, but when I got to the summary screen it complained that there is no mapping file:
pSource Information]
Cannot locate the mapping file to map the provider types to SSIS types
This then made the import fail when you continue and have it execute.
I would like to know if anyone else could get this to work and if you did, how.
If there is a mapping file I need to create, which current mapping file can I use as a base and what do I name it so that it is picked up by the Import/Export wizard?
Please advise.
Thank you,