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So let's say I have a SharePoint list.  One of the fields is a choice field.  I do the thing that turns my list into a K2 application and creates all the smart objects and forms and views.  Great.  Now I decide I want to add an additional property to the smartobject that holds my choice fields so that when the user selects an option from the choice field, I can return something more useful to my application.


How do I add new values for this new property?


In order to make this a little more clear, my original choice field is a set of cell service carriers:

  • Verizon
  • Sprint
  • T-Mobile
  • etc.

I've added a new property to the automatically created smartobject intended to hold the SMS gateway for that carrier.  So, for example, I'd like to add as the value for Verizon.  How?  Where?  Why in the world are things not easier to find in this insane application?



I believe the limitation that you are seeing here is inline with the limitation of a purely SharePoint List Choice column, it will allow single value and selection of a single value; there is no relation between 'Verizon' and



Perhaps using a lookup column to a separate list, containing both the carrier and SMS gateway is more applicable:




I believe adding a Property to the SmartObject will likely also not work, as it is not bound to any backends (SharePoint List, SQL, etc.).  Perhaps making the change to the SharePoint list in question and regenerating the SmartObject/View/Form will achieve what you are seeking:


My apologies!  It's been nuts around here trying to learn this thing, along with all the other work I have.


Yes, ultimately, I did what you suggested and built the relationship between carrier and SMS gateway in a separate list and used that as the data source for the dropdown.


Thanks for your suggestion!
