Dear ,
That could be done by adding a foriegn key field into ur attachments SMO , go to ur attachments SMO and add a new field for example name it "ProcessID" ,
and in ur form , when u save the process data , return its ID , then use it in ur attachments saving into "ProcessID" ,
in this way ur process will be like ,
(Process ID , process field1 , process field2)
and ur attachments SMO will be like ,
(AttachmentID , ProcessID , AttachmentFile) , which as we said , processid will refer to the main processid ,
and on ur execute list method for attachments , go to the filter tab , and add a new filter ,
ProcessID = Main processID ,
Hope it helps!
I do something similar with my comments. I list previous comments throughout the process and I have a parameter in my form called ProcInstID. I use that to get the comments from the list. The difference is for my comments I have an Item View and List view. For the attachments I have to use the editible list to att multiples. I will give it a try and see what I can get.
So the add attachment method is successful adding an attachment which I confirmed with the SO tester. The interesting thing is when I execute the SO with the correct Process Instance ID and the ID and indicate to include the file, it brings back everything but the file. That is for the Get List method. If I use the Get Attachment method which only allows the ID it brings up the file itself. I cant seem to pass the file ID to a paramater to use it to retrieve the file itself.
I just came across this topic and I realise it's pretty old but thought I might comment anyway.
You jsut need to use the Include File parameter in the Attachments Get List method and set it to Yes.