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Hi All


I have a question regarding the 'Radio Button List' control in SmartForms.

On my form I have 2 seperate RB list controls and I need the option that only one value at a time can be selected from the combined controls.

Therefore if someone makes a selection in LIST A then LIST B must be cleared and visa versa if LIST B is selected then LIST A should be cleared

On the controls I have a rule on the 'changed' event that does a transfer data to clear the other control
This works fine but I get a strange behaviour that I have to click twice on the control to make a selection once it has been cleared

Can anything be done to stop this?




Hi paul,



I can see the same behaviour on my side and it seems to be a bug, you can log a support ticket with K2 to report this issue.

This only happens if you have change event on both RB lists that trasfers data, not sure about the root cause behind this behaviour.


Unfortunately I couldn't find workaround for this issue.



I suspect that if RadioButtonList1 (RBL1) change event is causing the RadioButtonList2 (RBL2) Change event to fire, which infact will Clear RBL1 Values. So it will continuosly call till both get empty and then allow you to selct once they are empty.




Hi Psturmey,


    Refer this link Clear Radio Button List on selection of the item on another Radio Button List



Let me know if this helps you.
