Thank you for your reply but i dont find any update available option in the App ,

yes if there is any update availbale for the app then it will show the Get it option enabled , but here i dont think so that might be an issue ,
Can you suggest any more ideas how you sorted out ? like anything need to be chcked from configuration or Logs.
I’m guessing this environment / Web App has been used with K2 before.
It’s possible that it’s failing because there are some site collections that was previously activated for K2 but has since been deleted from SharePoint without uninstalling the app from it.
Try the following.
Run the below SQL script
SELECT EValue] FROM Integration].tProcessSharePointGeneralSetting]
WHERE WType] = 'RootSiteUrl' AND 'SiteURL] IN
SELECT ESiteURL] FROM Integration].tProcessSharePointGeneralSetting]
WHERE WType] = 'ActivationState' AND 'Value] = 'Activated'
You will get a list of site URL’s. For each of the SiteURL’s returned:
- Try and hit the url in IE (do not use chrome, the error is not handled the same)
- If you get a 404 Not found error, add this URL to your “delete” list.
If there are some sites that doesn’t exist anymore try deleting them with the query below.
DELETE FROM >Integration].MProcessSharePointGeneralSetting]
WHERE >Value] IN
'site url 1',
'site url 2'
Re-run the registration wizard
NOTE: Backup db before doing this in case you need to roll back.
Thank you for the reply ,
The first issue "VersionString too short or too long" while opening the K2 Application from List Settings has been fixed ,
1.To resolve this issue we need to update the "Application_Version" field with proper K2 App version in the Hiidden List called "K2 Settings" from App Catalog site
2.This Hidded list can be accessed by appending "/Lists/K2 Settings" after the site url .
3.This "Application_Version" was having the value as "regWiz" which was causing this issue.
but still the Registration Wizard fails in the Service Broker Step with the same error message.