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How to Validate Checkbox Controls

  • June 8, 2018
  • 1 reply

Hi All,





I've recently come across issues with validating checkbox controls on forms.  It turns out that the validation process for checkboxes is a little bit different than most controls. Since checkboxes are designed as booleans, they technically always hold a value - either true or false - regardless of whether the box has actually been checked.  Since the OOTB form validation works by checking for the presence or absence of a value, it is impossible for it to accurately gauge whether a checkbox has actually been checked, and thus always passes validation for this control.  A potential workaround for this would be to create a "When the Submit button is clicked" rule with an advanced condition that is configured as follows:












If you would like to validate that this box is checked, set Right to "True". If you want to check for an empty checkbox, set Right to False. Then, add a "Show a message rule" that either confirms validation or requests that the user mark the checkbox before proceeding. This should look as follows:












Additionally, if you would like this validation to prevent the form from submitting until the box is checked, you can add a "Stop rule execution rule" under the advanced condition.






Hope this helps!



- Emily


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1 reply


Thank Emily this helps a lot. Much appreciated




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