Drop down box returning duplicate entry - SAP BAPI

  • 17 February 2017
  • 3 replies

Badge +8


We have a drop down box quering a SAP table via BAPI.  when running the Method in the Cockpit, it returns 9 entries

When running the form, and using the drop down box, it shows 10 entries, with 1 of the entries being duplicated.

Any ideas as to why

3 replies

Badge +5

Hi braddo.

I would like to help, is it possible that I can have your design view screenshot?

Badge +8


 Instead of creating a table you should think about creating a SQL view and in that view filter out duplicate values. Create a smartobject from that view and use it for your dropdown. This should solve your problem.



Bryan Peters

how can I create a SQL View out of my list? 

Could you kindly assist me on this? 
