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I'm not able tp deregister a customk control.

This solution does not work for me.


The designer website appears the message: "Could not load file or assembly 'LHTabControl' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."


The deregister command does not work with this message:

DeregisterControlType Failed: ControlTypeHasInstances,MyCustomControlProjectAG
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): ControlTypeHasInstances,MyCusto
   at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPIConnection.RemoteCall(String Type
Name, String MethodName, ObjectO] Parameters, Booleano] NullList, MarshalMessage
Type CallType)
   at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPI.RemoteSessionCall(String TypeNam
e, String MethodName, Object,] Parameters, Boolean ] NullList)
   at SourceCode.Forms.Management.FormsManager.DoSessionCall(String method, Obje
ctj] parameters, Booleans] nullList)
   at SourceCode.Forms.Management.FormsManager.DeleteControlType(String name, St
ring replaceWith)
   at SourceCode.Forms.Controls.Web.SDK.Installer.Program.DeregisterControlTypes
(String assemblyName, String replaceWith)
Error Number:50000,State:1,Class:15


any ideas?




The error contains 'ControlTypeHasInstances'; perhaps it is being used in a View/Form somewhere.  Perhaps try:


"If the control is already used on Views and Forms, then use the replaceWith command to deregister it as it will not be deregistered unless it is being replaced with another:

controlutil deregister -control:{controltypename} [-replaceWith:{controlName}]

controlutil deregister -assembly:{assemblyname} [-replaceWith:{controlName}]"


with something like a data label control,


controlutil deregister -control:LHTabControl -replaceWith:DataLabel

Hi tin,


thank you very much - the replacement of the control with a DataLabel was successful. :-)

First I tried to replace the control withan other control of the same assembly. This did not work. But the replacement with a DataLabel was successful - thank you!!


