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is temporarily disabled due to an expired license. Renew your Nintex eSign license to re-enable the Delivery Option.

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When generating and sending to a Nintex eSign Delivery Option the eSign delivery options are disabled with the following message:

{Delivery Name} is temporarily disabled due to an expired license. Renew your Nintex eSign license to re-enable the Delivery Option.

This message is misleading. The possible reasons for this error are:

  1. The Users Salesforce Email does not match match any eSign (AssureSign) Usernames in the linked eSign Account.
  2. If an eSign Context User has been configured, the email in this Custom Setting does not match any eSign (AssureSign) Usernames in the linked eSign Account.



To resolve this situation:

  1. Ensure the Salesforce User has an eSign Username that matches the Salesforce email.
  2. Configure or update the Nintex eSign Context User 

More information regarding the Nintex eSign Context User can be found here:



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