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K2 Five (5.1) Release Notes

  • February 16, 2021
  • 0 replies


K2 Five (5.1) Release Notes


K2 Five 5.1
This article has been archived, and/or refers to legacy products, components or features. The content in this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. Archived content is provided for reference purposes only. This content does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.



K2 is proud to release K2 Five (5.1), our release that builds on K2 Five and focuses on making it easy to use K2. Use these release notes to download the product, request a product key, and read about new features, including upgrade-specific information and links to helpful resources about K2 Five (5.1).



Download and Product Key

Download the installer from K2 Partner and Customer Portal
Download Now
If you upgrading from K2 4.7 you will need a new license key to install K2 Five (5.1) . Go get the license from K2 Partner and Customer Portal
Get License Key



Main Features

K2 Five (5.1) adds many new features that help you deliver powerful process automation across your business. Below are some of the main features added in K2 Five (5.1). For a detailed list of the features below and enhancements, please see What's New in K2 Five (5.1)


K2 Apps

Pre-built applications (also known as SmartStarters) get you started quickly, enabling you to install common applications from a catalog directly into your K2 environment. You can use the applications as-is, or even edit the forms, workflow, SmartObjects or reports to suit your needs.
You can also use wizards (also known as App Wizards) to easily generate customized applications from a collection of application types and templates, for example a Marketing Approval process or Customer Satisfaction survey. By completing a simple 4-step wizard, K2 can generate a customized application for you. You can use the applications as-is, or even edit the forms, workflow, SmartObjects or reports to suit your unique needs. For more on Apps, please see K2 Apps.


K2 Designer

The K2 Designer has two new responsive themes (Blue Void and Grey Void), which give you an additional styling option for your forms.
Use the new  Server Side Rule Execution to help  improve your forms performance by using server-side rules to change the form before it's sent to the browser.
The Export to Excel toolbar button is now available, allowing you to export your List data and slice and dice the data using Excel's data manipulation and analysis tools.


K2 Workflow Designer

Copy, Paste, Cut and Undo/Redo shortcuts are now available to help you quickly and easily design workflows in the workflow designer.
Warning badges help you catch potential design or performance flaws before you deploy the workflow.


Security and Governance

You can now secure your K2 applications and artefacts by using the Authorization Framework to control who may edit or use artefacts with K2 Design tools, and who may access Categories or artefacts at runtime.



Use the new Microsoft Exchange Service Type to integrate with Microsoft Exchange and perform actions like scheduling a meeting, or checking for free/busy status as part of a workflows or in forms.
The new Salesforce Service Type integrates K2 with Salesforce via Salesforce’s REST APIs, allowing you to create SmartObjects that allow your applications to integrate with SalesForce



OAuth authentication has been added to SmartObject OData service, and Workflow API Versioning allows you to select the Workflow REST API version to use on your environment.


App Switcher

The new App Switcher in K2 Workspace and the K2 Management site allows you to easily navigate to K2 Sites and Apps in your environment, including launching the K2 Apps workspace, accessing Favorite Apps, launching K2 Designer, K2 Workspace and the K2 Management Site.


K2 Management

You can now delete all artifacts in a category and even choose to delete the workflow historical log data if required.



The installer has been enhanced to support two SQL collations.
The system key's path parameter in the unattended installer has changes.
The K2 installer now blocks installations if your SQL Azure databases are not on the minimum requirement. See the Compatibility and Support Matrix for the minimum supported version.



What you need to know when upgrading

  • You can upgrade to K2 Five (5.1) from both K2 4.7 and K2 Five (5.0).
  • Refer to KB002384 - Known issue: Value cannot be null Error Upgrading to K2 Five (5.1) before upgrading, if affected you will need to run a script to fix the error before continuing with the upgrade.
  • The K2 installer now blocks installations if your SQL Azure databases are not on the minimum requirement. See the Compatibility and Support Matrix for the minimum supported version.
  • If you are upgrading from K2 4.7, read KB002045 for all the information on install changes, considerations, changes in the product, and how these will affect your current environment.
  • Before upgrading to K2 Five (5.1) ensure all App artefacts found in the category All Items/Apps/K2/Framework/Core including all child categories of the Core category are checked in. Failure to do so will result in an unsuccessful upgrade. See KB002419 for the resolution if you have already upgraded before checking in the artefacts.
  • If you are using K2 for SharePoint and upgrading from K2 4.7 there is an updated app available. You must upgrade the K2 for SharePoint app and re-run the K2 for SharePoint registration wizard.
  • If you are upgrading from K2 Five and use the K2 for SharePoint app, rerun the registration wizard after upgrade.
  • As of K2 5.1, SharePoint Application Accelerators are no longer available. Existing applications based on SharePoint Application Accelerators will continue to function, but the ability to deploy new applications based on these Accelerators has been removed and replaced with K2 Apps.
  • In K2 Five you had the ability to grant people API administrator rights allowing them to administer Workflow REST and OData APIs. The rights were configured in the API Administrators section in K2 Management> Integration> API Configuration. In K2 Five (5.1) the API Administrators rights are part of the Server Administrator and can no longer be separately configured. The API Administrators section in the K2 Management> Integration> API Configuration node has been removed.
  • Please review the K2 Five (5.1) Frequently-Asked Questions article for answers to other common questions relating to K2 Five (5.1)

Installer Resolved Items in K2 Five (5.1) (5.0002.1000.2)

The following issue was resolved in the .2 version of the installer: 

  • Workflows that were deployed before upgrade display in the root category.  You can workaround this issue by opening the workflow and redeploying, or a security administrator can move the workflow to the correct category. 

If this issue occurs after upgrading to a previous release of K2 Five (5.1), please read KB002418 and follow those steps to run the repair script.


Installer Resolved Items in K2 Five (5.1) (5.0002.1000.1)

The following errors logged in the installation log files were resolved in the .1 version of the installer: 

  • DBQuery.ExecuteTransactionalScript: Inner exception: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'Authorization.Object' and the index name 'UX_Authorization_Object_ClassID_Hash_IsClassObject'. The duplicate key value is (a40e5316-89aa-4a84-9b7f-d27225353ba5, 0x62185afce3a0be3c59de99925f22009d8f022617c431fdb325c82ac7fbb0f76d, 0).
  • System.IndexOutOfRangeException: DisplayName
    SmartObject Server Exception: Could not find stored procedure 'Authorization.GetObjectInfosByName'

  • ExecuteSqlScript.Execute: Logged Error: Script execute failed: System.Exception: Script execution exception: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ExecutionFailureException: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot find the object '[SmartObject]', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
  • ActionGroup.Execute: Logged Error: Target failed to execute: SourceCode.Data.SmartBoxData.sortobjects.sql

If any of these errors were logged during your installation, be sure to download the latest version of the installer (5.0002.1000.1).


What to do if you have the original installer (5.0002.1000.0)

Please note that the above issues are only found when upgrading to K2 Five 5.1 and do not affect new installations of K2 Five 5.1.

  1. If you have downloaded the K2 Five 5.1 installer but not yet installed in your environment, please download and run the new installer (5.0002.1000.1).
  2. If you have upgraded your environment to K2 Five 5.1 and have not run into any errors, there is nothing you need to do at this time.
  3. If you have upgraded your environment to K2 Five 5.1 and run into installation or upgrade errors, please download the new installer (5.0002.1000.1). Before running the new installer, you will need to download and run the Pre Repair.sql script on your database. Then, when you run the new installer, select "Update" to update your installation.
Download Pre Repair Script





Fix Packs

Fix Packs contain fixes for issues reported in K2 Five (5.1). These fix packs will be listed here when they are available. For a listing of fix packs for this version of K2 Five (5.1), see KB002374.



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