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Table For Record Creation in A Page Include


So I’m trying to make a v1 page include that’ll hold a table with draws that users will be able to use to enter in a record and related child records (Product and Contributor). Because of this, I have turned off “Query on Page Load” for my Product model. However, this seems to crash the page when I select the tab that has the page include on it. The whole page just straight up goes all white.

The page will keep working and the table will load if I turn “Query on Page Load” on and the model includes at least one entry however, as I want users to be able to use this table to create new Product records, I can’t have it populating with existing record info.

Any of y’all know what I might be overlooking/getting wrong here? FYI, I’ve tested out running an action that removes the rows from the Product model via a button which causes the page to crash in the same way so I’m pretty sure this has something to do with the model being empty.

Thanks a bunch,


3 replies

  • Nintex Employee
  • 3763 replies
  • July 12, 2024

This is very strange. Do you get any errors in the developer console? Are there any dependencies on this model elsewhere in the page? Like maybe a snippet that is looking for rows in the model?

Finally - Are you sure the page crashes? could it be that nothing is rendered when there are now rows in the model? Are there display logic statements on the table to not show if no rows are present?

Its a mystery. But we love mysteries…



developer console

Hey Rob,

Thanks for replying to me! I’ve checked the console and it looks like the only errors it is getting are five “Refusing to apply style from…” so I don’t think these are related. (Or maybe they are. I really don’t know.)

There was an action that was meant to take in a record type ID from the page holding the page insert. I’ve removed that and manually set a default record type ID to see if that would fix it but it’s still disappearing on me. As it is now, the only things calling the items are the two tables.

I think the page is crashing. It loads correctly and displays the default tab with the “how-to” info as well as the first tab I built that is holding a version of the table built directly on the tab. But, when I click on the tab holding the page insert, the whole page disappears from the screen. (See screenshot)

In the console, most of the html for the page disappears.

You have any ideas? I was banging my head against the wall for a good bit of the weekend on this.

Thanks a bunch,



Just to close the loop on this issue:

The cause of the issue was that there were identically-named models between the container page and the page-included page, which was causing the apparent crash. The solution was to modify identically-named models to ensure that all models had unique names between the two pages.

Please see Skuid Docs for more info on the importance of unique model names.



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