Defect/Issue Description: All Skuid pages in my Salesforce org are throwing an error whenever any user tries to view them and then will not render.
A description of the bug The error that shows is 'There was an error rendering a Skuid Page component for page SKUID PAGE NAME TypeError: Class constructor Xt cannot be invoked without ‘new’. When you click out of that error, you immediately see a second error that simply says “Class constructor Xt cannot be invoked without ‘new’”
- API Version: (v1 or v2) v2
- Release: (Chicago, Boston, etc) Chicago
- Release version: (Version Number) 14.3.1
- Platform: (Managed cloud or Salesforce) Salesforce
**Brief Summary of the Defect/Issue:**All Skuid pages in my Salesforce org are throwing two consecutive errors whenever any user tries to view them and then will not render.
An easy-to-understand description of the bug (e.g., “When mass selecting items (not including clicking the ‘select all’ checkbox), other checkboxes on the rows selected appear to take on a checked value.”). Whenever viewing an embedded Skuid page within a Lightning page in my Salesforce org (multiple objects and lightning pages and Skuid pages), the page will throw two consecutive errors and then will not render.
Action Performed:
The action that resulted in the bug Viewing a Skuid Page component within a Lightning page in Salesforce
Expected Result:
How the page should have performed Loaded as it previously did (issue started last week)
Actual Result:
How the page actually performed Throws two consecutive errors, does not load Skuid component.
Additional Resources:
Please add any screenshots, videos, XML file(s) to help us reproduce the defect/ issue. See [how to create a good test page]